DB Monitoring

Used for database monitoring in terms of numbers of queries being executed and their elapsed time, number of active connections, statistics about temporary files, locks statistics etc which can be seen in tabular format in DBMonitoring. To access the DB monitoring, the user has to follow the below given steps:

Figure 130: DB Monitoring
  1. On clicking the DB Monitoring option from the drop-down, the DB monitoring screen will be displayed as shown in the below figure.
Figure 131: DB Monitoring Screen

2. In DB Monitoring screen, the user can see the database activity on the DB Activity

3. In the DB Activity tab, the user can see the details for the following three activities:

  • Execution Stats
  • Locks Stats
  • Sessions Stats

Execution Stats

  1. The execution stats is the actual execution plan, which indicates the flow of command execution. Refer to the Figure 117.
  2. Execution stats shows how the collection(s) referenced by the statement will be scanned (i.e. Plain Sequential Scan, Index Scan etc) and if multiple collections are referenced.
  3. Aggregation in this screen is done based on the columns SQL Statement and Execution Plan.
  4. There are following fields in the Execution Stats Window which are listed below:
  • Timestamp: It will show the time period of any event or task.
  • Last Execution Time: It will show the last time at which the process or command will be executed.
  • User Name: It is the name of the user.
  • Cursor ID: It is an identity of a cursor.
  • Elapsed Time: It is the amount of time that passes from the beginning of an event to its end.
  • Disk Reading Time: It is defined as the total time required by the computer to process.
  • Operation: It is the type of operation which are being performed by the user.
  • Namespace: A namespace defines a group of tables, within which all the table names must be uniquely identified.
  • Command: It is the command which is being executed to be monitored.
  • Document Returned: It will show the name of the document which is being returned.
  • Row Effected Detail: It will show the details of the rows which are being affected.

Locks Stats

  1. Locks displays the details of the locks acquired during any command execution.
Figure 132: Locks

2. It displays the count of locks acquired, the duration for which locks were acquired and deadlocks categorized based on the different lock types listed below. More information on lock modes can be viewed in the tooltip of every count i.e. by hovering over that column.

3. There are the following fields in the Locks Window which are listed below:

  • Timestamp: It will show the time period of any event or task.
  • Command: It will show the name of the command which is being used.
  • Database Name: It will show the name of the database used.
  • Replication Acquire Count: It will show the replication failures and failure errors.
  • Replication Acquire Wait Count: It will show the replication wait count.
  • Replication Acquire Wait Time: It will show the replication wait time.
  • Replication Deadlock Count: It will show the replication deadlock count.
  • Global Acquire Count: It will show the global acquire count.
  • Global Acquire Wait Count: It will show the global acquire wait count.
  • Global Timing Wait Time: It will show the global acquire wait time count.
  • Global DeadLock Count: It will show the global deadlock count.
  • Parallel Acquire Count: It will show the parallel acquire count.
  • Parallel Acquire Wait Count: It will show the parallel acquire wait count.
  • Parallel Acquire Wait Time: It will show the parallel acquire wait time.

Sessions Stats

  1. Session stats displays the information on in progress operations for the selected time period.
  2. Aggregation in this screen is done based on columns Operation Start Time, OPID, Status, Correction ID and Namespace.
Figure 133: Session Stats

3. There are following fields in the Session Stats Window which are listed below:

  • Timestamp: It will show the time period of any event or task.
  • OPID: It will show the operation id.
  • Connection ID: It will show the connection id.
  • Status: It will show the current status of a particular session. There are two types of status: Active and Inactive.
  • Command: It will show the name of the command which is being used.
  • Operation Type: It will show the type of operation performed by the user.
  • Namespace: A namespace defines a group of tables, within which all the table names must be uniquely identified.
  • Effective User: It shows the user name along with the type of database a user is using.
  • Operation Start Time: It will show the start time of the operation.
  • Waiting for Flow Control: These are the messages that are waiting for flow control in the last second.
  • Waiting For Latch: It is the time spent on waiting for internal locks (latches) to be released.
  • Client: It will show the IP address of the client.

Note: User can also perform the following operation on the DB Activity Tab which are common for all three activities:

  • Download: On clicking this option, the user can download a particular DB Activity. To perform this operation, the user has to click on the Download button. 
  • Toggle Filter: On clicking this option, the user can search a particular column by applying filter. To perform this operation, the user has to click on the Toggle Filter. 
  • Toggle Column: On clicking this option, the user can Hide/Show a particular column in the table. To perform this operation, the user has to click on the Toggle Columns button.